Throughout the years, there are many passages that's touched me, and a few of those that stayed on were posted here. Here's one I haven't shared, from Christy by Catherine Marshall. It's one of my favorite books, and this passage was when Christy was going through a rough season and was hungering for answers from God:

"And slowly, almost imperceptibly, out of the stillness during that second week my answer started coming - only not in any way I had expected. No effort was made to answer my 'why?'. Instead, I began to know, incredibly, unmistakably, beyond reason and beyond doubting that I, Christy Huddleston, was loved - tenderly, totally. Love filled me, washed over me, flowed around me. I did not know what to do with love as strong as this. Back off from its intensity? Embrace it? 
My tears flowed. I could not stop them.
Then the thought came: wasn't this the confirmation for which I had asked? This love disclosing itself was no cosmic Creator of a mechanistic universe, for the revelation was intimate, personal. Perhaps the assurance always has to be personal, revealed to the inner person alone, since only man sees other men en masse, whereas God insists on seeing us one by one, each a special case, each inestimably beloved for himself.
The world around me was still full of riddles for which my little mind had not been given answers; David had been right about that. Nor could I know what the future held. But the fundamental doubt was for me silenced. I knew now: God is. I had found my centre, my point of reference. Everything else I needed to know would follow.
That morning the sun came up in a blaze of glory."