It's over.

My academic semester at the University of Miami ended yesterday. I powered through my finals, and moved all of my stuff -which turned out to be a lot - out of the room. Had a good 10-hour sleep last night after what seemed forever. And I did decent grocery shopping today. Yes, grocery shopping can be therapeutic.

I can't believe it's over just like that. I still remember how I felt the day I arrived to a very empty room, hungry and extremely exhausted. I knew no one, didn't know where things were, and had a huge cloud of uncertainty over me.

Yesterday when I left, the very empty room came back. But this time, I was full from a beef gyro, and was running on adrenaline. I was saying goodbye to a bit too many people, walked to places without hesitance, and had a shower of God-blessed confidence even though the rest of my time here is still in a blur.

Amazing how much can happen in 4 months. Dear God, I thank you. Some things you gave, some things you took away. But I have been and am still being purified because of all that.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.