I imagine
A garden by the sea
Where cherry grows next to mango,
And durian's the friend of peach.

I imagine
A garden by the sea
For strolls among the shadows
And picnics at half past three.

I imagine
A garden without strangers
The eternal great party
For the Pasts, Presents, Futures.

I imagine
A garden of harmony
Of laughter and song,
And whispers over the sea.

I imagine
A peace not bound by time,
For there is no time
But now
And forever.

I imagine
From pretenses and appearances
Envy and strife
It's the rest of who I am
in who He is.

I imagine
That considers not itself

Every moment of bliss
I've had on this earth
Upended by what Joy
In this place of mirth.

If I had to imagine my paradise
It'd be this Garden by the sea.