Inspired by Letters to Juliet... and Sarah Yong's blogpost.

Dear Francesca Battistelli,

How do you do it? Writing lyrics that echo my heart's sentiments so simply yet with much profoundness. Today the phrase that is my post title kept going through my head. Perfection has indeed been my enemy- How I've struggled with a drive for perfection since young, only to be disappointed by failure to reach the aspirations I had set myself.

Ironically, I had to deal with this issue again while singing the very song that had these lyrics. I froze the last time I attempted to sing in front of an audience. But the more I practiced your song, the more I believed in your words. 
Thus did the performance come to pass, and it wasn't perfect. And of course I still cringed. ugh. But at the end, it didn't turn out as bad as I dreaded it to be. I had friends who were patient with my mistakes, and.God's shoulders to sit on.

So, dear Francesca, I just want to say thank you for using your gifts to glorify God. Because God used them to minister to people like me, who's dented not only one but two fenders, and is just as imperfect as that girl in the song.
