Those Beautiful Pastures
How was your weekend? I had a pretty productive one. Not as I had planned, but better. For one thing, I neatened my room and organized my files.
It's amazing how much stuff can be accumulated just in a span of one week. I couldn't even remember where I placed certain things. I've learned the importance to clean up regularly, before the mess gets worse.
I realize that my room's condition was just how my heart's condition was. I'm sure you remember my previous post about God calling me to set aside a proper day of rest? Well, in that 24 hours I was refreshed physically, and more importantly spiritually. I hadn't realized just how much all my responsibilities were weighing down on me. I thought I was fine, because I tried to pace myself as well as I could. But I see now I was still hanging by a thread, having enough energy for the day and nothing left over. So that Saturday, God just lifted my burdens and worries and replaced them with His peace and rest. I feel like the lamb in the famous Psalm 23.
At first, it was a real struggle to focus on Him. So many things flooded my mind. I had to actually walk through the mess to find God. Then when He found me, immediately the mess disappeared! Much like when Mary Poppins clicked her fingers and all the scattered toys went back into their cubicles.
It's in those five hours that I realize how I haven't been maintaining my spiritual home. I had let the dirt and mess pile up, and allowed unnecessary things to distract me. It was the message of the season not just for me, but all who were at Heart to the Beat of Love.
I am refreshed, my passion's relighted. I'm picking things up again, things I've neglected for so long, but things that matter more than anything else.
Now excuse me as I go enjoy some green grass. *munch munch*
It's amazing how much stuff can be accumulated just in a span of one week. I couldn't even remember where I placed certain things. I've learned the importance to clean up regularly, before the mess gets worse.
I realize that my room's condition was just how my heart's condition was. I'm sure you remember my previous post about God calling me to set aside a proper day of rest? Well, in that 24 hours I was refreshed physically, and more importantly spiritually. I hadn't realized just how much all my responsibilities were weighing down on me. I thought I was fine, because I tried to pace myself as well as I could. But I see now I was still hanging by a thread, having enough energy for the day and nothing left over. So that Saturday, God just lifted my burdens and worries and replaced them with His peace and rest. I feel like the lamb in the famous Psalm 23.
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside still waters.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
At first, it was a real struggle to focus on Him. So many things flooded my mind. I had to actually walk through the mess to find God. Then when He found me, immediately the mess disappeared! Much like when Mary Poppins clicked her fingers and all the scattered toys went back into their cubicles.
It's in those five hours that I realize how I haven't been maintaining my spiritual home. I had let the dirt and mess pile up, and allowed unnecessary things to distract me. It was the message of the season not just for me, but all who were at Heart to the Beat of Love.
I am refreshed, my passion's relighted. I'm picking things up again, things I've neglected for so long, but things that matter more than anything else.
Now excuse me as I go enjoy some green grass. *munch munch*
tags deardiary, runningthoughts

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