I Smile because I Can =)
Wanted to post this yesterday, but blogger was merajuk-ing. But anyways...
I made it through Saturday!
I ran the 5km nonstop, my left foot getting better with each step; went straight to uni for the workshop; ate only at 12.45pm; went for class which ended 10 minutes later; and even followed Lindley to FGT's youth service.
Talk about complete recovery. Can't believe I actually made through the day! Then yesterday evening I joined some 10,000 others at Stadium Melawati to celebrate the Global Day of Prayer. Was a good experience, biggest gathering of Christians I've ever been to.
All praise to God, and thanks to so many of YOU for your prayers and encouragement. =)
I made it through Saturday!
I ran the 5km nonstop, my left foot getting better with each step; went straight to uni for the workshop; ate only at 12.45pm; went for class which ended 10 minutes later; and even followed Lindley to FGT's youth service.
Talk about complete recovery. Can't believe I actually made through the day! Then yesterday evening I joined some 10,000 others at Stadium Melawati to celebrate the Global Day of Prayer. Was a good experience, biggest gathering of Christians I've ever been to.
All praise to God, and thanks to so many of YOU for your prayers and encouragement. =)
tags deardiary, extraordinary, toyou

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